Smooth Wrinkles Naturally with Furlesse Patches
When you feel your best – rested, happy, and healthy – it shows on your skin. But sometimes you need a boost to relax fine lines and wrinkles.

How Our Wrinkle Patches Work
Instead of slathering your skin with chemicals, apply a safe, natural, non-invasive Furlesse patch to eliminate fine lines and wrinkles – and replenish your skin.
The innovative, clear-colored patches are made up of polyethylene, a BPA-free material that smooths out your skin and seals in moisture underneath. Fine lines and wrinkles plump up with moisture and become less visible. It’s that simple.
As the original clear, compact, shaped patch on the market, Furlesse has been helping women look and feel their best for over a decade. Don’t take our word for it, though – see actual before and after results here.
Each packet comes with a 30-day supply of patches!

Clear Comfort
All Furlesse patches are latex-free, BPA-free, fragrance-free, and hypoallergenic. We don’t use nasty chemicals or toxins such as parabens and phthalates.
Furlesse is serious skincare that is clean, simple, and easy to use from the comfort of your home – whether you’re a soap-and-water girl or a Botox believer. Integrate the lightweight, compact patches into your daily or nightly routine, and boost the look of your skin in just a few hours. Pick up a patch today to see why Furlesse is the best!